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hematoporphyrin hcl cas 17696-69-4/17471-45-3

Chemical Name: Hematoporphyrin Hcl

CAS No.: 17696-69-4/17471-45-3

Molecular Fomula:C34H40Cl2N4O6

Molecular weight: 671.61

Appearance:Black crystalline powder

Assay: 98%

Category: Pharmaceutical intermediates

hematoporphyrin hcl cas 17696-69-4/17471-45-3

hematoporphyrin hcl cas 17696-69-4/17471-45-3 Quick Details

Chemical Name: Hematoporphyrin hydrochloride

CAS No.: 17696-69-4/17471-45-3

Molecular Formula:C34H40Cl2N4O6

Molecular weight: 671.61

Chemical Structure:Hematoporphyrin hydrochloride CAS 17696-69-4

Appearance:Black crystalline powder

Assay: 98%

hematoporphyrin hcl cas 17696-69-4/17471-45-3 Specification

Item Specifications
Appearance Black crystalline powder
Odor Characteristic odor
Protein 98%
Solubility Almost insoluble in water and dilute acid
Loss on Drying ≤5.0%
( Fe) Iron Ingredient ≥2700
Heavy Metal Pb ≤0.5mg/kg
As ≤0.5mg/kg
Hg ≤0.5mg/kg
Total Plate Count ≤1000cfu/g
Yeast Mold ≤1000cfu/g
E.Coli Negative
Salmonella Negative

hematoporphyrin hcl cas 17696-69-4/17471-45-3 Application

This product has demonstrated significant fluorescence effects in animal and human or in vitro cell experiments. Combined with laser, it can enhance the role of killing cancer cells. Animal experiments prove that this product is safe and low in toxicity.

hematoporphyrin hcl cas 17696-69-4/17471-45-3 Packaging and Shipping


hematoporphyrin hcl cas 17696-69-4/17471-45-3 Storage

It should be placed inventilation low-temperature dryin.

Pls contact with us freely for getting detailed product specifications, product tech. date sheet, COA and MSDS, prices, delivery time and payment terms.

Other product:Plasma Albumen


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